Dealing with an aggressive dog with an inferiority complex.

Storm wanted the world to see this video. He’s slightly concerned that he is portrayed badly in the wider community. I tried telling him that this is not true and everybody who knows him thinks he is a vicious killing machine and an effective guard dog.

I ignored the plush toy he was playing with at the time and instead tried to reassure him of his wolf-like tenancies.

After a long discussion we agreed to make this video and put it on YouTube. It’s fake, but Storm doesn’t want you to know. He would hate it if you knew that he was trying his best to act-up for the camera by showing his teeth and growling in an aggressive manner. He also does not want you to know that after I turned off the camera he apologise to his rope toy and felt bad for putting it through so much stress.

He thinks his image is safe and people are fearful of him.


Quick, I need a doctor. Storm has gone blind and doesn’t understand why.

Medical advice needed : I just walk into the lounge room and noticed Storm has this weird round growth on his face.

It’s also caused issues with his eyes because he claims his eyes are not working and keeps bumping into furniture.


I made the foolish suggestion that maybe if he released the frisbee from his mouth then his eye-site would quickly recover but he dismissed my idea then proceeded to walk into the wall.

I doubt his intelligence sometimes.